Registration Now Open for Securities Enforcement Forum West 2025!

Please join us Thursday, May 15 at the Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills.

For the first time, Securities Enforcement Forum is coming to Los Angeles!

Securities Enforcement Forum West 2025 will be held on Thursday, May 15 at the extraordinary Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills.

Securities Enforcement Forum West is a unique, one-day event that brings together hundreds of current and former senior SEC officials, leading securities enforcement and white-collar attorneys, in-house counsel and compliance executives, and other top professionals in the field.

The event will feature nine fantastic panels on key areas of SEC enforcement. Attendees will hear from senior officials from the SEC and the DOJ, and from over 40 luminaries in the securities enforcement field.

The panels will discuss the most important issues and developments in the practice area, including the SEC’s role in cyber and emerging technology, the first 100+ days of Trump 2.0, financial and accounting fraud, the state and future of crypto enforcement, insider trading, financial firms, two Masterclasses on handling a corporate crisis and SEC investigations, parallel West Coast investigations, and much more.

Finally, at the conclusion of Securities Enforcement Forum West, there will be a reception and cocktail hour at the stunning rooftop bar of the Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills!

The full Agenda and Panel lineups for Securities Enforcement Forum West are now posted here (SEC panelists will be added shortly).

Attendees will receive 6+ hours of CLE in certain states (pending in California; pending in Delaware and reciprocal states, including New York).

👉 Please use the code below to save 25% off of the regular registration price to attend either in-person or virtually (regular in-person registration fee is $1,295; regular virtual registration fee is $650):

In-Person: BLAST310LA25

Virtual: BLAST310V25

Presented by Securities Docket